As a follow up to working with our consultant to decide on the best boarding school shortlist for your child, our expert admissions support services are there to reassure parents with what can be a confusing process and build their child’s confidence throughout the application timeline. Empowering your child with the confidence to showcase the best of themselves in their entry pre-tests, assessments and interviews for top boarding schools is an important part of the boarding school application process. Whether applying for 13+ or 16+ entry for sixth form, our educational support services help parents build their child’s confidence for the applications and assessment process. We do this by helping you to put in place ad-on services such as academic summer courses, 1-2-1 mentoring, practise and confidence building for interviews, targeted tutoring and test practise.
Why choose us?
Expert team approach to advice
Our best boarding school consultancy services give parents access to top-level expertise at each stage in the timeline of applications. From evaluating your child’s academic level or support needs, choosing the best boarding schools to visit, to planning and preparing for your boarding school applications, tests and interviews, you’ll have access to top level expertise from across our team at every step.
Relationships with British boarding schools
We invest time visiting and building strong working relationships with British prep and senior boarding schools. Our expert admissions team talk to schools daily, and in the same time zone. Parents who engage our consultancy services have the reassurance of an independent and knowledgeable perspective.
Navigating and preparing for entry tests and interviews
For British expats or international parents overseas, the timeline and format for entry assessments and interviews for private boarding schools can be confusing. You want your child to be on an equal footing with children in UK schools. Our expert admissions team guides parents with boarding school applications at each step. We help you to put the right expertise in place to grow your child the child’s confidence, enabling them to present the best version of themselves during the 13+ or 16+ entry assessment process for top boarding schools.
Child-centred approach
Your child will achieve their true potential if they are happy. Our expert consultants work with parents to bring together a strategy for all the factors which come together to make the best boarding school for your child as an individual. Once you’ve agreed a well-thought-through strategy of what you are looking for, suggesting the best schools for your child is at the heart of our advice.
Admission Support we provide

How do we help parents navigate the timeline for boarding school admissions, pre-tests and assessments?
Every British boarding school has a slightly different approach to their timeline for application, pre-testing, assessment and interview process. It can be very tricky for parents to juggle timelines, tests and applications for several schools. For 13+ entry, some start in year 5, 6 or 7. For entry in sixth form at 16+, some have selection weekends, some work on GCSE results, and others their own entry tests. Interviews take carious formats from group tasks to critical thinking skills. If your child is not in a British school at present, applying to a top boarding school can feel confusing and be a challenging process.
Our admissions experts help parents to understand the boarding school application process for each school. From registration, application forms, pen profiles, references, school reports, predicted grades, online and paper testing formats, as well as interviews. Working with us, ensures our client parents have access to experienced admissions expertise every step of the way.
Get in touch for help from our admissions experts with navigating the admissions timeline and process for your choice of boarding schools for your child.

Diagnostic aptitude testing
Helping parents to evaluate their child’s academic strengths when compared with the entry expectations of senior schools, so we can help you to focus on the right private boarding schools to challenge and support your child at the right level academically, as well inspire them to develop new interests and talents via a whole range of opportunities.
Get in touch for help from our admissions experts with securing the best tutor for your child.

Choosing the best tutor to build your child’s confidence for entry tests.
Ensuring your child feels confident to do their best when the boarding school test day comes is an important part of our boarding school admissions support services for our clients and their families.
Via a long-term trusted working relationship with our UK-based tutoring partner, we work with them to help our client families to select the right tutor to build their child’s confidence with entry pre-tests and online assessments, as well as give them some practise and familiarisation with the various test formats for different schools. As the tutors are experts in delivering enthusiastic and engaging teaching online, our client families both in the UK and overseas, have access to the same opportunities to work with experienced tutors. If you child attends a British prep school, this might be un-necessary. However, if your child attends an international school overpass, who are perhaps unfamiliar with the entry testing process for top boarding schools, putting in place some tutoring can help with familiarisation and hence confidence when the test day comes.
Get in touch for help from our admissions experts with securing the best tutor for your child.

How do we help children build confidence for boarding school interviews?
When attending boarding school interviews, our aim is to give your child confidence to talk about themselves in an interesting and engaging way. Boarding schools are looking for children who will work hard and do well academically, but even more importantly, who will take advantage of the extensive opportunities to develop and nurture talents and interests outside the classroom. Your child must show they will be happy living in a boarding house community, making new friends from all over the world, as well as getting fully involved life at boarding school.
Working on the assumption that many children who apply to boarding schools will do well in the tests and assessments, our interview confidence-building sessions with children aim to work on the development of communication, body language and critical thinking skills, as well as to mentor your child on how to engage in interesting and memorable conversations with adults who they do not know.
Ensuring your child is familiar with why you are applying to boarding schools and be enthusiastic about the exciting and new opportunities each boarding school you apply to will offer them.
There’s lots you can do at home to support communication skills development and build confidence. Our admissions experts will offer advice with this as a part of our expert boarding school admissions support service.