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How do I assess my child’s academic level and potential?

We use objective, scientific data to help you choose the best boarding schools for your son or daughter.

The first step in choosing the right school for your child is to understand all the elements that come together to make them unique. Their academic level and potential, their interests, talents, character, confidence, and any potentially weaker areas that may require support.

School reports are a great start. However, not all school reports are the same. Many focus on subjective opinion, rather than objective data. You can be left wondering how your child’s achievements in their current school will place them within the wider context of top British boarding school entry requirements.

Parents are often left feeling alone and unsupported with making such an important boarding school is right for their child, as well as navigating the process of when and how to apply.

That’s where our expertise comes in.

The 13+ or Common Entrance boarding school entry processes are changing rapidly. Many schools now start their first assessments in year 6 or 7, with an ISEB pre-test or similar. If you don’t have the support of a UK prep school, keeping up with the timeline for applications, which tests happen when and ensuring your child feels confident to do their best on the day. We carry out a similar assessment to the one used by the boarding schools you will be applying to, giving you the data, and understanding you need to evaluate when choosing the right school for your child the best fit academically and character-wise for your son or daughter.

It’s only when we stretch ourselves that we truly see how far we can go. However, stretching too far can lead to a loss of confidence. Our diagnostic assessment service gives you the reassurance that your child will achieve their true potential in the right environment for them to shine.

Please get in touch to find out more about our diagnostic testing and future schools overview service.

What is the assessment?

We use an online, adaptive test created by experts such as former headmasters and educationalists. Using test questions delivered via intelligent, adaptive technology, the test provides a comprehensive evaluation of your child’s academic skills.

Adaptive – the question difficulty adapts according to ability as the test progresses.

Standardised – the report compares your child with others of the same age.

Personalised – Via a 1-2-1 video call, you’ll receive a comprehensive overview of your child’s capabilities in key areas such as English, Maths, NVR, and VR.

Convenience – The test is taken at home, online and at a time that suits you.

How does the assessment work?

The future school decision process for entry to top boarding schools at age 13 starts as early as year 5. However, your child can sit the test at any age, as part of your boarding school research process, up to age 16.

Once registered by your consultant, you’ll receive a link via email to access the test at home via a PC or laptop. We’ll ask you to set aside two hours in a quiet space where your child can concentrate.

There are 4 sections to the test:

English – this section focuses on command of the English language and tests comprehension, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Maths – this section is designed to see how well a candidate understands numbers and can solve mathematical problems.

Verbal reasoning – this section tests a candidate’s ability to understand and reason using words.

Non-verbal reasoning – this section is best described as problem-solving using pictures, diagrams, and shapes (rather than words).

What does the assessment report tell me?

When your child has completed all sections of the test, we’ll book an appointment with you for a 1-2-1 video call. During this meeting, we’ll discuss the report findings in detail. This session, most importantly, includes an initial overview of boarding schools you might be considering, assisting you when choosing the right school for your child based on their abilities and strengths.

What do you learn from the report?

Your child’s ability and specific strengths in English, Maths, VR and NVR.

Your child’s ability in English, Maths, VR and NVR, relative to their peers.

Identify any specific aspects your child may need to work on improving.

Outcome – You’ll feel confident to move forward with booking your boarding school open days and private visits, alongside registrations to sit pre-tests and 11+ or 13+ entry tests, with confidence that you are choosing the right school for your child.

Please get in touch to register your child to sit the test and book your 1-2-1 video call for feedback.

Here are some sample pages from a report

How can parents use the assessment outcomes?

The test data will help you to monitor your own child’s academic progress over time, as well as discuss support for any weaknesses with your child’s current school.

The test data will help you in choosing the right school for your child to suit their academic ability and potential. If you choose to work with our expert boarding school Consultant for the next step, shortlisting and applying to the right boarding schools, it’s a great tool for our experts to use to discuss their potential with these schools, in support of their application.

The test data will help your child to build their confidence with online testing software, as practice for future reasoning-type tests such as ISEB Pre-test, UKiSet or 11+ entrance exams. If you would like to read more about how we help parents to build confidence with entry tests, please click here.

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